Everything You Need to Know About Our Company

Young man wearing futuristic led glasses


We provide personalized resume writing and career coaching services to job-seekers at all career levels and in various industries. We assist our clients with achieving their career goals by building a professional brand through a modern, tailored resume. Please continue reading about The Resume Factory and Career Coaching Services.


Accelerate career progression for the workforce.


Customer Service

Your resume is a primary tool in your career toolkit, and we recognize that the lack of a professional resume creates stress and anxiety. But that is where The Resume Factory and Career Coaching Services can help. You can benefit from our professional resume writing services to succeed in your career.

We commit ourselves to an initial 45-minute consultation with each client to better understand their career goals before we build the resume or other product(s). We are committed to being responsive and guarantee to address all inquiries within 1 business day. More importantly, The Resume Factory and Career Coaching Services guarantees 100% satisfaction with our products and services.


Our clients' career journeys are unique, so at The Resume Factory and Career Coaching Services, we craft tailored stories that distinguish you from other individuals pursuing job opportunities in your field.


We believe that the presentation of your professional resume is equally important as the content in your professional resume! That is why we construct new, streamlined documents. In addition, we use a mix of fonts (as appropriate) and exceptional writing mechanics that do not distract from your experience and qualifications but enhance them.

About the Founder

Dr. Ben Smith

I have worked aggressively toward my career goals, from my time serving in the military until securing my first Federal government job and beyond. Not only did I want to be fulfilled in my work, but I wanted to position myself for upward mobility and maximum economic opportunity. So, as I moved through my career journey, I needed the one thing every professional requires- a resume! Whether it was a rewrite or an update, I would put pen to paper and spend countless hours crafting my career story. Other times, I would hop on the internet and conduct multiple searches for a resume-writing service that garnered my interest and aligned with my budget.

Often, I found myself doing the latter because I could not commit the time to draft a new resume or rewrite an existing one. Other times, I was not confident I would tell my story well. Nevertheless, I was regularly dissatisfied after spending thousands of dollars on resume-writing services from various resume-writing mills. I felt that most of the documents were generic and lacked depth. Even worse, I realized that I was simply another order number. That is when I decided to leverage 20+ years of practical workforce experience- and education! I earned a doctorate in Strategic Leadership to support my goal of becoming a research practitioner. And honed my skills as an organization and management expert responsible for writing and classifying position descriptions and operationalizing position management strategies. At The Resume Factory and Career Coaching Services, LLC, I use my knowledge as a hiring official to provide personalized services that build your brand, maximize your opportunities, and advance your career.
